Friday, May 29, 2009

Shake it!

Shake it!
Originally uploaded by Sarah Burnquist
Well, we've moved to Georgetown. We have almost been here for a week already, time flies! I'm really loving it here so far, except for not having the internet...right now I am at my parent's house using theirs to upload photos and write in my blog. School is going well, all A's!!! Roxy is loving the freedom that comes from living in the country. David loves the peace and quiet (as do I). I of course am loving the new photo locations!!!

This one was taken of Roxy today in the field right next to where we live...we just had to duck under a barbed wire fence, which was fun, LOL.

I'll try and keep this updated for anyone who reads and is interested :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Far Away

Far Away
Originally uploaded by Sarah Burnquist
Sometimes I look at her and I can't belive that she's growing so fast! Roxy will be 4 in July and it seems as if I was just swaddling her a week ago!

Roxy graduated from her first year at preschool on Monday. I saw her standing up on that stage with the other kids and realized just how tall my little girl is getting. At this point I think that she's already more than half my height...scary, huh? Then I as doing the math...when my baby is 18 I'll be 39!!! Thirty-nine! That doesn't seem possible when I'm only 25 right now...but that is only a short 14 years from now.

Then it makes me think of all the things that we'll be going through together in the next 14 much growing up in such a short time. Fourteen years just doesn't seem that far away anymore. It's funny how time just seems to fly by the older you get. I just hope to goodness that my little girl isn't anything like me as a teenager...if so, we'll all be needing to find a God to pray to!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dogwood Blossoms

Dogwood Blossoms
Originally uploaded by Sarah Burnquist
I've been wanting to photograph the dogwoods for weeks now...but everytime I passed them I was in a hurry to be somewhere. Well, today after I picked Roxy up from school we went to the cemetary to take pictures and to my great surprise there was a small dogwood!

I found this beautiful poem to go with it. Enjoy!

Dogwood Blossoms

To dreamy languors and the violet mist
Of early Spring, the deep sequestered vale
Gives first her paling-blue Miamimist,
Where blithely pours the cuckoo’s annual tale
Of Summer promises and tender green,
Of a new life and beauty yet unseen.
The forest trees have yet a sighing mouth,
Where dying winds of March their branches swing,
While upward from the dreamy, sunny South,
A hand invisible leads on the Spring.

His rounds from bloom to bloom the bee begins
With flying song, and cowslip wine he sups,
Where to the warm and passing southern winds,
Azaleas gently swing their yellow cups.
Soon everywhere, with glory through and through,
The fields will spread with every brilliant hue.
But high o’er all the early floral train,
Where softness all the arching sky resumes,
The dogwood dancing to the winds’ refrain,
In stainless glory spreads its snowy blooms.

by George Marion McClellan (1860 – 1934)

A Big Choice...

Poppy Bokeh
Originally uploaded by Sarah Burnquist
Well, David and I had to make a HUGE choice a couple of days ago...and that choice was to move out of our apartment and into the small one bedroom home my parents have on their property. It's rent free, we just have to pay utilities. While I'm in school I'm not working much, just on the weekends, so we needed to move somewhere that was cheaper. I really need to finish school, so though we don't like to have to move from Placerville, we have to. It won't be for good...just 18 months...then we're right back in Placerville.

So, for the poppy pic...I took this on the side of the road in Cool, CA. It's a small little town, maybe try Googling it, LOL. It was a windy day when I took this, luckily I was able to use a nice fast shutter speed to get my shots. Cool is just a few miles from my hometown of Georgetown, where we will be moving back to for the next year and a half. It's a beautiful area, all forest and country air.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Out of Order

Out of Order
Originally uploaded by Sarah Burnquist
I took this at school yesterday. It was the last day of my first week back at school after not attending school for over a year. I hadn't been taking my camera to school, because for one, I'm not leaving it in the car while I'm in class and two, I didn't want to carry around the extra weight. Well, Thursday, I decided that it had been almost a week since I'd picked up my camera and I was going to bring it no matter what...which ended up being a good thing since at the end of day I was in the restroom, alone, and thought that this would make a cool shot. I really like how the PP turned out.

School is going good. I've caught up really fast, I missed the first week of school. I thought that it was going to take forever and that my grades might suffer for it...but I was wrong, my work ethic has gotten better since the last time I was in school. I think that it's because I truely can see the future for my family and I once I graduate. I'll be done in 18 months and David and I have a tenative goal of purchasing out first home in about 2 years! I can't wait to own a house. We want to have animals and be able to paint our walls...which we can't do in an apartment!

Roxy and I (Mommy and Me)

Roxy and I
Originally uploaded by Sarah Burnquist
Well, to start out, I'm a mommy first and fore most. My daughter's name is Roxy and she means the world to me. She is the most awesome little girl in the world. My life influences my photography and is an extention of myself, so not only will I be blogging about my photos, but my life as well.

The photo above is one of my favorites of my daughter and I. She saw me trying to do some selfies with the camera on the tripod and the wireless remote in my hand and started to beg me to have a turn using the remote. Well, as you can imagine, with a face like hers I couldn't turn her down. So...In this photo we're having a blast clicking the remote and trading kisses and just having some fun mommy/daughter time. So, if I'm not mistaken, she actually pressed the shutter release for this photo, so she should actually be credited with this photo. I guess that I should rename this photo, "Mommy and Me".